Finnish Forest
Certifiaction Council
[email protected]
tel +358 400 765437
Sitratie 7
Use of PEFC logo
Finnish Forest Certification Council issues PEFC logo licenses in Finland.
The Finnish Forest Certification Council issues the PEFC logo use rights in Finland on the behalf of the PEFC Council.
Finnish Forest Certification Council can issue the PEFC Logo use rights on an application
- individual forest owner as a holder of a forest certificate or as a participant to group certification,
- forest industry companies and timber product traders as holders of chain of custody certificates (for example sawmills, pulp and paper industries, further procecessors, wood traders, forest service companies and wood distrubution and sales organisations) and
- other organisations and bodies that are willing to promote and advertise the PEFC scheme (e.g. various interest organizations, trade unions, educational institutions)
The PEFC logo can be used on-products e.g on informative labels, items and packages and on the product itself (unpackaged products where the logo is stamped onto the goods), on round wood (the logo is stamped onto the wood) and in product documents (freight warrants, packaging lists, invoices etc.). The logo may be used also off-product e.g in general documentation (PEFC brochures, company or product brochures).
The PEFC logo use license number identifies the logo-user and must be used together with the logo. Logo users may attach additional voluntary information which can give information about PEFC scheme and certification companies.