

Finnish Forest
Certifiaction Council

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Finnish Forest Certification Council, Press Release: PEFC information CD in a Finnish carton box (3rd July 2007)

The new edition of the international PEFC information CD is now available. In addition to PEFC Council’s Annual Review 2006, brochures and documentation, examples of governmental recommendations for PEFC have been compiled on the CD. The CD is for everybody who wants to learn more about the advantages and benefits of PEFC’s forest as well as chain-of-custody certification, its safeguards against wood from illegal logging and about the labelling of PEFC certified products ... 

PEFC Council Press Release: PEFC expands global reach to China (23rd April 2007)

PEFC has opened its new PEFC China Office in Beijing. The new office will provide market support and information on PEFC certification for Chinese government and industry decision-makers interested in promoting sustainable forest management. The PEFC China program builds on an existing presence in Japan, and extends PEFC’s reach into Asian markets.


Copyright � 2005
Suomen Mets�sertifiointi ry - Finnish Forest Certification Council